
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

The architect as a interpreter of the territorial complexity


  • Arq. Andrea Julieth Pava Gómez Bogota, Colombia


The lack of a systemic notion in the design processes of the discipline, and precisely, the reductionism of the architectural projects in addition to isolated elements that build the minimal contextual relations, represents an obstacle that goes beyond the technical requirements and variables of the place, to the built up of the territory. Therefore the present paper seeks to introduce the systemic thinking as an alternative to the project processes in the discipline, within the framework of a transdisciplinary perspective, to overcome the concept of city and to initiate a discussion about territory; as it reflects on the role of the architect as a transforming agent: an interpreter of territorial reality.


territory, systemic complexity, design process, architecture, territorial interpreter

Author Biography

Arq. Andrea Julieth Pava Gómez, Bogota, Colombia

- Master in Architecture, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, actually.
- Architect, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, 2015