The suspended present and the experience of the unprecedented event: regarding the COVID-19 pandemic



This article tries to show how our pandemic´s experience qualified our present as a “present in-between”, a “suspended present”. Following Derrida and Simon, “unprecedented event” as a concept is analyzed. The objective is to show that pandemic´s experience made us to configure a “we as a species”. Chakrabarty considered impossible this last concept.


Unprecedented event, suspended present, species, historical temporality, epochal event, historical present

Author Biography

María Inés Mudrovcic, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo)

Profesora Titular de Filosofía de la Historia en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo), Investigadora Principal del CONICET e investigadora del IPEHCS. Doctora en Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. ORCID ID:
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