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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript is original, has not been previously published or submitted to another journal or media for publication, nor has it been published in Preprint or Conference Proceedings format.
  • The submitted article is in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), using Arial Normal font (11 points), following the Revista de Arquitectura available template.
  • The text complies with APA standards. At least 50% of the bibliographic references come from mainstream journals (WoS, Scopus, SciELO), and self-citations do not exceed 10% of the total references.
  • I declare that I am aware that the Revista de Arquitectura will review the article to detect plagiarism at the beginning and end of the editorial process, to verify its originality.
  • It does not include the names of the authors or a way to identify them, ensuring a double-blind review
  • Articles have a length between 4000 - 6000 words (Section I: Research in Architectural Theory) and between 3000 - 4000 words (Section II: Research in Architectural Design) and have been adapted to the Theory Template or Design Template, available in the submission guidelines.
  • The graphic standards are met, and the location of all illustrations, figures, and tables are in their corresponding place.
  • All figures have their caption and source indicated, coming from open archives, self-produced, or with permission from the authors for use.
  • The text complies with APA standards. At least 50% of the bibliographic references come from mainstream journals (WoS, Scopus, SciELO), and self-citations do not exceed 10% of the total references.
  • The author(s) declare(s) no conflicts of interest regarding the contents and conclusions presented in their article.

Author Guidelines

Revista de Arquitectura publishes in its online version the permanent sections on Architectural Theory, Architectural Project Research, and Reviews.

Revista de Arquitectura publishes original scientific articles in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. Manuscripts must adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to comply with it which will result in rejection:

  • Manuscripts must be unpublished and must not be under editorial process in other journals.
  • Articles must be original and adhere to the Statement o Ethics of Revista de Arquitectura. The review process includes the use of plagiarism detection tools.
  • Manuscripts must adhere to the Editorial Guidelines of Revista de Arquitectura.
  • Manuscripts should not exceed 4 authors, unless justified exceptions apply.


Guidelines for Submissions:

1. Article submissions are accepted throughout the whole year exclusively via the website https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/

All Works presented must be unpublished (not previously published) and must not be under evaluation process for any other journal and/or communication medium for its publication.

2. The file containing the written part of the work must be submitted in text format (.doc or .docx), in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The following template must be followed:  THEORY- Template - Revista de Arquitectura (Section I Architectural Theory Research) o else the  PROJECTS – Template - Revista de Arquitectura(Section II Architectural Project Research).

3. The extension of submissions – excluding bibliographical references – must be:

- Section I Architectural Theory Research:  4000 (minimum) – 6000 (maximum) words, excluding the Abstract, and References sections.

Section II Architectural Project Research: 3000 (minimum) – 4000 (maximum) words, excluding the Abstract, and References sections.

Reviews section. Maximum: 900 words. Title of book and author(s). Publisher and year. Book cover in 300 dpi/ppp, and in .jpg or .tiff format. ISBN and number of pages.

4. Must include (Sections I and II), both in Spanish and in English and in Portuguese:

- Title, with optional subtitle, not exceeding 12 words in total.

- Abstract, between 150 and 200 words, in a single paragraph. Maximum 1000 characters with spaces. . The abstract must summarize the research problem, objectives, methodology, and the most significant results. It should not include bibliographic references or mathematical expressions.

- Between 3 and 5 key words.

5. After the heading, its development shall be presented, structured with introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliographical references.

Bibliographic References

  1. The bibliographic references must only be those cited in the text and must be included in alphabetical order at the end of the article. If existing, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must also be included. These can be consulted at www.crossref.org.
  2. At least 50% of the bibliographic references must be from sources coming from mainstream magazines (Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO). At least 35 % of the bibliographic references must be from publications made in the last 5 years.
  3. ​Self-quotes must not exceed 10% of the total bibliographic references.
  4. Bibliographic references must comply with APA Style, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association guidelines.


Graphic Standards Guidelines

The graphic content may consist of photographs, figures, plans, sketches, drawings, graphs, tables, and diagrams. These should provide relevant information to the article, be numbered, and referenced in the text to relate them to the ideas contained therein (Figure 1; Table 1). They must comply with the following:


  1. They should be placed in the manuscript below the paragraph discussing their contents.
  2. A maximum of 10 figures and tables per article is accepted.
  3. Figures should be included in low resolution in the manuscript of the submission, in their relevant position. Additionally, they should be attached to the submission platform as JPG or TIFF image files.
  4. Files must contain originals or good-quality reproductions. In the case of documents from archives , they must be adequately prepared, considering good exposure, contrast, framing, geometric correction, and appropriate resolution. Please avoid photographs of plan or document archives taken via cell phones and their scanning applications. Photographs of architectural and urban planning cases must be taken with professional criteria and equipment.
  5. All graphic or photographic files must have a resolution of 300 dpi (assuming a reproduction width of 20 cm).
  6. Planimetric figures and diagrams should preferably come in editable vector formats (editable vector PDF or Adobe Illustrator).
  7. If tables or figures are taken from a published source, they must be cited indicating the author, year, and page and incorporating the respective entry into the reference list. Tables, whether cited or original, must be transcribed and formatted according to the current APA standard, as shown in the example. In the template
  8. Each graphic element must be consecutively numbered preceded by the word "Figure."
  9. A caption must be included within the text for each figure that appears, indicating a description of the content, source, and date. For example: "Figure 1. Preliminary project sketches. Prepared by author, 2020."
  10. In the case of including graphic elements that are not openly accessible or owned by the authors, they must provide written proof of the corresponding permissions from the original authors or editors. Otherwise, such content will not be published.