Four “Hidden” Poems by Kavafis


  • Miguel Castillo Didier Universidad de Chile


Two problems are briefly presented here, around the reading of four “repudiated” poems by Kavafis: the one shown by the texts written in the archaic language and the fact that the poet left very valuable poems forgotten or hidden. “Translated” into the dimotiki language, they could be appreciated by Greek readers who no longer know the katharévusa. The problem does not arise for those who know ancient Greek and the call katharevusa.


Kavafis, translation, repudiaded poems

Author Biography

Miguel Castillo Didier, Universidad de Chile

Miguel Castillo Didier, Universidad de Chile, Chile.

Correspondencia: Miguel Castillo Didier Email: Director Centro de Estudios Griegos, Bizantinos y Neohelénicos. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile. Profesor Titular Universidad de Chile


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