El poder de la presión : la prórroga permanente e incondicionada del Tratado de No Proliferación de Armas Nucleares


  • Julio C. Carasales


Between April 17 and May 12, 1995, one of the most important international conferences in recent years took place in New York. It had to decide whether the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons would last indefinitely and without conditions, or whether its validity would be renewed periodically, every few years, according to the progress made in other related matters, especially nuclear disarmament. The first of these positions was imposed, but this was due, to a large extent, to intense and continuous pressure exerted by the main interested party: the United States. Although the use of pressure is a normal phenomenon in international meetings, everything indicates that at the Non-Proliferation Treaty conference it reached a disproportionate level.


Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, International Negotiations, National Interest, United States, International Pressure

Author Biography

Julio C. Carasales

Embajador de carrera del servicio exterior argentino. Fue embajador en Dinamarca y en la OEA y representante permanente de la Argentina en la Conferencia de Desarme de Ginebra. En Buenos Aires ha sido subsecretario de relaciones exteriores y Director del Instituto del Servicio Exterior. Ha sido profesor universitario y lleva publicados tres libros y numerosos artículos sobre temas de desarme y seguridad.