Estados Unidos y el nuevo equilibrio en América Latina


  • James F. Petras


The new political equilibrium that has been established in Latin America is the product of the policy of the United States government in the period after the Cuban revolution, the political orientation and attitude of Latin American leaders, and the course of action adopted by the communist parties of Soviet orientation in Latin America. To understand how these factors have actually produced the new equilibrium and the actions it contains, we examined the ideology and actions taken by American leaders and the course of action of United States policy, as well as the consequences of US policy, the way it has influenced the prospects for social and economic reform in Latin America and the viability of the new equilibrium.


United States, Latin America, Foreign Policy, Communist Parties, Alliance for Progress

Author Biography

James F. Petras

Es autor de numerosos artículos aparecidos en el British Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Revue, Marcha, Desarrollo Económico, New Left Revue y otras publicaciones profesionales y políticas. Ejerce como profesor de ciencia política y administración pública en Pennsylvania State University, en la cual es director de los estudios sobre desarrollo de América Latina (un proyecto de investigación). Es coautor de Latin America reform or revolution; y Politics and social forces in Chilean development.