Argentina’s isolation during Néstor Kirchner's mandate


  • Luciana Felli Universidad de La Plata


The present article aims at providing some inputs on the basis of a brief analysis of three essays by prominent authors who have researched international isolationism and in particular the period chosen for this study. In addition, these essays have provided us with general guidelines for the development of our thesis project for a Master's degree in International Relations, which addresses President Néstor Kirchner's foreign policy in connection with international isolation.


Argentina’s foreign policy, Néstor Kirchner, international isolation

Author Biography

Luciana Felli, Universidad de La Plata


Abogada. Investigadora del Centro de Reflexión en Política Internacional (CeRPI) del Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI) de la Universidad de La Plata, Argentina. Funcionaria de la Honorable Cámara de Senadores de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.