Important: Documents that do not adhere to the structure, format, and citation guidelines provided below will be returned to their authors.

REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA accepts two types of submissions for publication: empirical research articles and theoretical articles or essays.

(a) "Empirical research articles" are defined as original works derived from research that systematically analyze primary or secondary data using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research techniques. While the focus of these works is on results derived from data analysis, it is expected that these investigations have significant theoretical content guiding research decisions, at least in terms of conceptual definitions and study hypotheses. Empirical research articles should follow the following structure:

  • Title Page: This should include a manuscript title, authors (names, institutional affiliations, institutional email addresses, and ORCID codes), and sources of funding (if applicable).
  • Abstract: A summary in both Spanish and English (maximum 200 words each) and five keywords in both languages.
  • Introduction: Authors are expected to describe the main theoretical, empirical, and/or methodological aspects that guide their study in this section, potentially using freely chosen subsections.
  • Method: Authors should describe and justify the tools and techniques used in the study, including participant selection and sampling methods, data collection methods (instruments), data analysis methods, and ethical considerations.
  • Results: Authors should present the main findings of the study, addressing the research questions, objectives, or hypotheses.
  • Conclusions: Authors are expected to discuss the main findings of their research in light of the original research questions, objectives, or hypotheses. The theories that underpinned the study should also be discussed. Additionally, this section should address the limitations of the research and suggest future research directions based on the findings.
  • References: This section should list all sources cited in the research. All articles must be prepared following the most recent version of the American Psychological Association (APA) style.

The main body of the document (excluding the title page) should not contain any information that reveals the identity, institutional affiliation, or funding sources of the research. Empirical research articles should not exceed 9,000 words, including references, tables, and appendices (if applicable).

(b) "Theoretical articles or essays" encompass original works that (a) reflect on a relevant theory in the social sciences and/or related disciplines; (b) innovatively discuss two or more theories in the social sciences and/or related disciplines; or (c) offer a novel and original reflection on a social phenomenon based on personal theoretical elaboration or the theories of other authors. These works are expected to be centered around theses or hypotheses that structure the content presentation. Unlike empirical research articles, theoretical articles or essays do not have a rigid structure but should minimally include the following sections:

  • Title Page: This should include a title for the manuscript, authors (names, institutional affiliations, institutional email addresses, and ORCID codes), and funding sources (if applicable).
  • Abstract: A summary in both Spanish and English (maximum 200 words each) and five keywords in both languages.
  • Introduction: Authors are expected to briefly describe the main theoretical aspects, theses, and hypotheses that guide their essay in this section.
  • Development: Authors are expected to elaborate on the main theses, hypotheses, or arguments of their essay, potentially using subsections (the title of this section can be altered).
  • Conclusions: Authors are expected to synthesize their theoretical discussion in light of their original theses or hypotheses, addressing potential limitations of the work and future lines of theoretical research stemming from the essay.
  • References: This section should list all sources cited in the research. The referencing format should adhere to the seventh edition of the APA guidelines in English.

The main body of the document (excluding the title page) should not contain any information that reveals the identity, institutional affiliation, or funding sources of the research. Theoretical articles or essays should not exceed 5,000 words, including references and appendices (if applicable).


Manuscript Submission:

Manuscripts should be sent via email to the Editor of REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA ( Within a maximum of one week, the corresponding author will receive confirmation of the manuscript's receipt. As emails occasionally do not reach their destination, if confirmation has not been received after the specified period, we kindly ask you to write to us again.

Authors should send 3 separate Word documents with the following information:

  • Word document with only the "Title Page": This document should contain a title for the manuscript, authors (names, institutional affiliations, institutional email addresses, and ORCID codes), and funding sources (if applicable).
  • Word document with the "Manuscript Body": This document should not contain any information that identifies the authors. It should be presented in Word format, with Times New Roman font size 12 and single spacing.
  • A cover letter addressed to the Editor of the Journal of Sociology, clearly indicating the relevance of the problem addressed in the manuscript and explaining why it could be of interest to the readers of the journal. Furthermore, it is strongly requested that the cover letter indicates whether the document adheres to the criteria of originality, formatting, citation, and ethical guidelines for authors of the Journal of Sociology (see details below in this same text).



REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA follows the APA 7th Edition format for citations and references. Bibliographic references should only include those cited in the text and should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the article. When available, DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for cited articles should be included. DOIs can be checked at

Examples of in-text citations:

- Paredes (2016) proposes that this debate...

- The approach of "new social policies" (Cunill-Grau, 2014, p. 23), implemented since the nineties...

- According to Valenzuela (2018) and González (2019), anti-oppressive intervention strategies...

- Participatory intervention strategies seek to enhance (González, 2019; Valenzuela, 2018).

* When citing multiple authors in the text, they should be listed in alphabetical order.

Examples of bibliographic references:


Garrett, M. P. (2021). Dissenting social work, critical theory and pandemic. Routledge.

Campana, M. (Ed.). (2020). La pobreza es un problema. Ediciones Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


Book chapter:

Reininger, T. (2018). El movimiento de asentamiento: el valioso legado de Jane Addams para un trabajo social radical. In B. Castro & M. Flotts (Eds.), Imaginarios de transformación. El trabajo social revisitado (pp. 73-96). RIL Editores.


Journal article (All cited articles must indicate their DOI. If not possible, indicate their URL):

Chávez, Y., Camacho, J., & Ramírez, M. (2021). Diálogo de saberes como dispositivo de empoderamiento en mujeres rurales. Una experiencia de cultivo, producción y comercialización de plantas aromáticas, Tabula Rasa 37, 303-332. DOI: 10.25058/20112742.n37.14


Institutional report:

Center for Disease Control. (2020, September 23). CDC COVID data tracker.



Hernández, N. (2018). Poder, una categoría de análisis en los procesos de intervención de jóvenes: Estrategias de intervención en lo político. [Doctoral thesis, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina].


Conference paper:

Rubilar, G., & Valenzuela, P. (2020, June 12). Trabajo social, violencia institucional y promoción de los derechos humanos. Paper presented at the seminar “Pensar a Trabajo Social en Tiempos Críticos,” Núcleo de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Trabajo Social, Universidad de Chile.


Other style recommendations:

At least one-third of the cited bibliography should consist of articles.


Cited articles should not be older than 10 years. Exceptions can be made if it affects the argument development.

Self-citations should not exceed 35% of the total references.

Italics should be limited to foreign language words.

Short quotations should be included within the text and enclosed in "quotation marks," indicating the reference (author, year: page) within parentheses. Long quotations of four or more lines should be indented as a separate paragraph.

Abbreviations and Latin terms such as idem, ibid., and op. cit. are not accepted.

Minimize the number and length of footnotes.

If using local terms, acronyms, values, etc., explain their meanings to ensure full understanding for foreign readers.

Use of tables: Tables should be presented in the document's body in an editable format (not pasted as image objects) and should follow APA guidelines. Use only black horizontal lines in the first row and the last line of the table.


Use of figures: All graphical information, photos, or maps should be labeled as "Figure." All figures included in the manuscript must be mentioned in the text. For example:

As seen in Figure 1, as it increases...

Create figures using a subtle combination of colors or grayscale that ensures clarity when printed in black and white. Do not include figure titles within the figure. Minimize the amount of text within the figure. If necessary, include clearly legible text (e.g., words or numbers). Figures with unreadable text will not be accepted.

Figures included in the manuscript must be the authors' original work. If using figures published in other works, besides citing the original source, you must attach documentation proving explicit permission from the copyright holder of that figure. Figures without such authorization must be removed.

For further details on APA guidelines, refer to the following resources: