Jürgen Habermas: Some Observations from Latin America


  • Paulina Morales Universidad Diego Portales


The hundredth anniversary of the birth of the so-called Frankfurt School provides an opportune moment to reflect on the relevance and contributions of its members, grouped in their different generations. Jürgen Habermas, most likely the most prominent figure of the second generation, continues the path of the early Frankfurt thinkers in certain overarching ideas such as the critique of instrumental reason, the complex relationship between theory and practice, the rejection of all forms of totalitarianism, among others. This can be seen reflected in some of the distinctive Habermasian topics addressed in this text, namely communicative rationality, system and lifeworld, deliberative politics, discoursive ethics. This reading is punctuated by a set of reflections -not exhaustive or exclusive, certainly- from Latin America regarding the German thought’s.


J. Habermas, Communicative rationality, System, Lifeworld, Deliberative politics, Discoursive ethics, Latin America