Originality Requirement:
Works submitted for publication must be original contributions. In other words, only those works that have not been previously published in any other journal, newspaper, book, proceedings, or other publication (regardless of having a DOI or ISBN) can be considered for publication. Only original works that make a substantive contribution to knowledge and are structured as a theoretical essay or empirical research article can be considered for publication. It is possible to publish articles derived from, for example, undergraduate or postgraduate theses, as long as the work submitted for publication is not a literal copy of the thesis but a distinct product reworked as an article.
All submissions are evaluated using the Turnitin system (http://turnitin.com) upon receipt to detect potential issues of similarity with other publications that could be indicative of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or duplicate publication. In the event of a significant level of similarity (greater than 20%) with other document(s) being detected, REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA reserves the right to automatically reject the submission. All authors of a work that violates this regulation may be penalized by the journal, preventing them from submitting new works to the Journal for a period of 3 years. Additionally, the Journal reserves the right to impose other sanctions in accordance with COPE guidelines.
Language of Publication:
REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA publishes articles in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French.
Submission Deadline:
REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA accepts manuscript submissions throughout the year. Submissions should be sent via email (revsoc@facso.cl), and their publication will be contingent upon a positive evaluation by specialists nominated for that purpose.
Evaluation and Review:
Documents submitted to REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA are evaluated by the editorial team. If the document is deemed to comply with the editorial norms and policies, it is sent for evaluation to two expert peer reviewers in the thematic and methodological aspects relevant to the manuscript. In cases of significant discordance in the evaluation, the opinion of a third reviewer might be sought.
The review process follows a double-blind system, which means that the identities of the authors are not disclosed to the peer reviewers, and the identities of the peer reviewers are not disclosed to the authors of the manuscript. This approach helps to avoid potential biases in the evaluation process, facilitating a sincere and constructive dialogue among researchers to enhance the final products and contribute to scientific development.